
1. Sparse and Redundant Representations: From Theory to Applications in Signal and Image Processing, Michael Elad, 2010.

2. Compressed Sensing: Theory and Applications, Yonina C. Eldar, Gitta Kutyniok, 2012.

3. Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations: Applications to Exploratory Multi-way Data Analysis and Blind Source Separation, Andrzej Cichocki, Rafal Zdunek, Anh Huy Phan, 2009.

4. Statistical Signal Processing: Modelling and Estimation, T. Chonavel, 2012.

Χρήσιμο Υλικό

Sparse Representations

  • Zhang, Zheng, et al. "A survey of sparse representation: algorithms and applications." IEEE access 3 (2015): 490-530.

Compressed Sensing

  • Candes, Emmanuel J., and Michael B. Wakin. "An introduction to compressive sampling [A sensing/sampling paradigm that goes against the common knowledge in data acquisition]." IEEE signal processing magazine 25.2 (2008): 21-30.

Dictionary Learning

  • Rubinstein, Ron, Alfred M. Bruckstein, and Michael Elad. "Dictionaries for sparse representation modeling." Proceedings of the IEEE 98.6 (2010): 1045-1057.
  • Tosic, Ivana, and Pascal Frossard. "Dictionary learning." IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 28.2 (2011): 27-38.

Tensor Models
  • Cichocki, Andrzej, et al. "Tensor decompositions for signal processing applications: From two-way to multiway component analysis." IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 32.2 (2015): 145-163.
  • Papalexakis, Evangelos E., Christos Faloutsos, and Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos. "Tensors for data mining and data fusion: Models, applications, and scalable algorithms." ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 8.2 (2017): 16.
  • Sidiropoulos, Nicholas D., et al. "Tensor decomposition for signal processing and machine learning." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65.13 (2017): 3551-3582.

Σημειώσεις Linear Prediction

Σημειώσεις στη Γραμμική Πρόβλεψη και στον Αλγόριθμο Levinson-Durbin (Διδάσκων: Μουχτάρης Αθανάσιος, 2015)

Σημειώσεις στη Γραμμική Πρόβλεψη (Διδάσκων: Τσακαλίδης Παναγιώτης, 2010)

Σημειώσεις στον Αλγόριθμο Levinson-Durbin (Διδάσκων: Τσακαλίδης Παναγιώτης, 2010)