Digital communications, channel models & physical-layer issues
data access, IEEE
802.11b & wireless MAC protocols
- LTE standard.
- 802.11
Wireless Networks, The definitive guide. Matthew S. Gast, O'Reilly,
2002, ISBN 0-596-00183-5.
- Wireless
Medium Access Control Protocols IEEE Communications Surveys, 2000
- Wireless
Communications Principles and PracticeTheodore S. Rappaport, Prentice
Hall (Second Edition), ISBN 0-13-042232-0.
- Applied Cryptography Bruce Schneier, Wiley (Second Edition), ISBN 0-471-12845-7.
- A Technical Tutorial on the IEEE 802.11 Protocol (PDF)
IEEE802.11 A technical Overview (PPT)
by Pablo Brenner Director of Engineering BreezeCom
- Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access
Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications
- Dynamic Tuning of the
IEEE 802.11 Protocol to Achieve a Theoretical Throughput Limit Frederico
Calμ, Marco Conti, Associate Member, IEEE, and Enrico Gregori, Associate
- Performance Anomaly of 802.11 b M Heusse, F Rousseau, G Berger-Sabbatel, A Duda - IEEE INFOCOM, 2003
- A Mathematical Theory of Communication C.E. Shannon - The Bell System Technical Journal, 1948
- Performance of
Reliable Transport Protocol over IEEE802.11 Wireless LAN:
Analysis and Enhancement H. Wu, Y. Peng, K. Long, S. Cheng,
J. Ma
- A Comparison
of Mechanisms for Improving TCP Performance over Wireless Links,
H. Balakrishnan, V. Padmanabhan, S. Seshan, R. Katz, Sigcomm
You can find the best price for
the books from sites such as bestedeal.com, mysimon.com or smartshopper.com.
Cognitive Radios
- Symbol-level network coding for wireless mesh networks Sachin Katti, Dina Katabi, Hari Balakrishnan and Muriel Medard - ACM SIGCOMM 2008
- ZigZag Decoding: Combating Hidden Terminals In Wireless Networks Gollakota, Shyamnath; Katabi, Dina - ACM SIGCOMM 2008
- What?s Going On? Learning Communication Rules In Edge Networks S Kandula, R Chandra, D Katabi - ACM SIGCOMM 2008
- Learning to share: narrowband-friendly wideband networks H Rahul, D Katabi, F Edalat - ACM SIGCOMM 2008
- Echos-enhanced capacity 802.11 hotspots A Vasan, R Ramjee, T Woo - INFOCOM 2005
- A Survey of Dynamic Spectrum Access, Q. Zhao, B. Sadler
- Spectrum Access Games and Strategic
Learning in Cognitive Radio Networks for Delay-Critical Applications, M.
Van Der Schaar, F. Fu
- Future Directions in
Cognitive Radio Network Research, P. Steenkiste, D. Sicker, G. Minden, D.
- Rayleigh Fading Channels In Mobile
Digital Communication Systems. Part I: Characterization , B. Sklar
- Game theory for cognitive
radio networks: An overview, B. Wang, Y. Wu, K.J. Ray Liu
- Cognitive MIMO Radio, G. Scutari,
D. Palomar, S. Barbarossa
Access Point Selection
User mobility pattern
- Students present & discuss
novel location-dependent applications
conservation, consumption and measurements
- QoS
Aware Power Save Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Laura Feeney.
- Investigating
the Energy Consumption of a Wireless Network Interface in an Ad Hoc Networking
Environment Laura Feeney, Martin Nilsson, IEEE Infocom 2000.
- A power control MAC protocol for ad hoc networks Eun-Sun Jung, Nitin H. Vaidya, Mobicom 2002.
- Span:
An Energy efficient coordination algorithm for topology maintanance in
wireless ad hoc networks Benjie Chen et al.
- Distributed Energy-conserving Routing Protocols
for Sensor Networks, Qun Li, Javed Aslam, Daniela Rus.
- Application-driven power management for mobile communication Robin Kravets, P. Krishnan.
- Converting Signal Strength Percentage to dBm Values, Joe Bardwell, VP of
Professional Services
- C. E. Jones, K. M. Sivalingam, P. Agrawal, and J. C. Chen. A survey of
energy efficient network protocols for wireless networks. Wireless
Networks, 7(4):343--358, July 2001.
- Power
management techniques for mobile communication, Robin Kravets, P.
protocols for ad hoc networks and Mobile IP
- Elizabeth M. Royer and C.-K. Toh, A Review of Current
Routing Protocols for Ad-Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks, IEEE Personal
Communications Magazine, April 1999, 46--55.
- DSR:
The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks David B. Johnson, David A. Maltz, Josh Broch.
- A
Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing ProtocolsJosh
Broch, David A. Maltz, David B. Johnson, Yih-Chun Hu, Jorjeta Jetcheva.
Mobicom'98, Dallas, Texas. October 25-30, 1998.
- Location-aided
routing (LAR) in mobile ad hoc networks Y. Ko and N.H. Vaidya, Mobicom
- Mobile Networking
Through Mobile IP Charles E. Perkins, IEEE Internet Computing, 2(1)58-69, January 1998.
- Topology Control
and Routing in Ad hoc Networks: A Survey Rajmohan Rajaraman ACM
SIGACT News, Vol 33, Issue 2, June 2002
- Multihop Ad Hoc Networking: The
Theory, M. Conti, S. Giordano
- Features in Future: 4G Visions
From a Technical Perspective, J. Sun, J. Sauvola, D. Howie, Globecom 2001
- Beyond 3G: 4G IP-based Mobile Networks,
D. O'Mahony, L. Doyle
Location-sensing systems
- GPS-less Low Cost Outdoor Localization For Very Small DevicesNirupama Bulusu, John Heidemann, Deborah Estrin.
- The Cricket
Compass for Context-Aware Mobile Applications,
Nissanka B. Priyantha, Allen Miu, Hari Balakrishnan, Seth Teller, Proc. 7th ACM
MOBICOM, Rome, Italy, July 2001.
- Enhancements to the RADAR User Location and Tracking System Paramvir
Bahl and Venkata N. Padmanabhan Microsoft Research, Anand Balachandran
University of California at San Diego February 2000, Technical Report MSR-TR-2000-12
- Practical
Robust Localization over Large-Scale 802.11 Wireless Networks, Andreas
Haeberlen, Eliot Flannery, Andrew M. Ladd, Algis Rudys, Dan S. Wallach,
Lydia E. Kavraki, Mobicom 2004
- Challenges: Device-free
Passive Localization for Wireless Environments, M. Youssef, M. Mah, A.
Agrawala, Mobicom 2007
Sensors, RF tags and sensor
- Next
Century Challenges: Scalable Coordination in Sensor Networks
D. Estrin, R. Govindan, J. Heidemann and S. Kumar, In Proceedings of the
Fifth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networks
(MobiCOM '99), August 1999, Seattle, Washington.
- Data-centric
storage in Sensornets Sylvia Ratnasamy, Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan,
Brad Karp, Scott Shenker, Li Yin, Fang Yu. First Workshop on Sensor Networks
and Applications (WSNA), September 28 2002, Atlanta, GA.
- Locating
tiny sensors in time and space: A case study Lewis Girod, Vladimir
Bychkovskiy, Jeremy Elson, and Deborah Estrin In Proceedings of the
International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2002), Freiburg, Germany.
September 16-18 2002. Invited paper.
- Wireless Sensor
Networks: A Survey, I. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, E. Cayirci
- Physics
behind different sensors and actuators.
on RF tags.
Mesh Networks
The small world phenomenon and
peer-to-peer networks
- S. Milgram. The small world problem.
Psychology Today 1(1967).
- J. Travers and S. Milgram. An experimental
study of the small world problem. Sociometry 32(1969).
- P. Killworth and H. Bernard, Reverse small
world experiment. Social Networks 1(1978).
- Watts, D. J. and S. H. Strogatz. Collective
dynamics of 'small-world' networks. Nature 393:440-42(1998).
- J. Kleinberg. The
small-world phenomenon: An algorithmic perspective. Proc. 32nd ACM
Symposium of Theory of Computing, 2000.
- J. Kleinberg. Small-World
Phenomena and the Dynamics of Information. Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems (NIPS) 14, 2001.
- D. J. Watts, P. S. Dodds, M. E. J. Newman Identity and Search in
Social Networks. Science, 296, 1302-1305, 2002.
- F. Menczer. Growing
and Navigating the Small World Web by Local Content. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 99(22): 14014-14019, 2002
- J. Kleinfeld. Could
it be a Big World After All? The `Six Degrees of Separation' Myth.
Society, April 2002.
- Using
the Small-World Model to Improve Freenet Performance Hui Zhang, Ashish
Goel, Ramesh Govindan, IEEE Infocom 2002.
- "Freenet: A Distributed Anonymous
Information Storage and Retrieval System" I. Clarke, B. Wiley, O. Sanberg, T. Hong, International Workshop
on Design Issues in Anonymity and Unobservability, Springer-Verlag LNCS 2009, ed. by H. Federrat,
Springer: New York (2001).
- What
is P2P and What Isn't
- Gnutella
- Free
riding on Gnutella
Important Reading Material For the Final Exam