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Complaint management
Complaints are managed in accordance with the decision of the Senate of the University of Crete (meeting: 508/23-11-2023) which approved the Regulation for the Operation of the Complaints Management Mechanism for Students of the University of Crete.
The following is the Regulation:


Α. Introduction
In the context of the student-centred approach that characterises the University of Crete, every effort is made to continuously improve its services and maintain excellent relations between its members. Knowing that during the course of their studies, students are likely to raise objections and complaints, the University of Crete encourages and encourages them to address directly the person or service concerned, with the aim of resolving any problems through fruitful dialogue. Alternatively, students may formally report their complaint to the relevant institution/service. The complaints management procedure applies to all complaints relating to the quality of the educational and administrative services provided by the institution.

Article 1, Definitions
  • Complaint: the expression of dissatisfaction on the part of the student, due to the fact that his/her expectations regarding the level of quality of the services provided have been disappointed.
  • Objection: the process of expressing objections or reservations on the part of the student regarding the pending or even problematic resolution of an issue/problem of concern to him/her. This procedure should not be confused with the objection (appeal under Article 24 of Law 2690/1999) provided for by law.
  • The objection is either lodged after the complaint or directly (see Article 6 below).

Article 2, Purpose
The Complaints Management Policy is addressed to active students of the University of Crete of all cycles of study and aims at the most appropriate resolution of any disagreement or problem and to ensure the smooth operation of the Institution in matters such as:
  •     Disagreement in matters of study, attendance and service provision.
  •     Inappropriate behaviour by a member of academic or administrative staff.
  •     Inappropriate behaviour by a member of academic or administrative staff.
  •     Deliberate or negligent failure by a member of the teaching and support staff (faculty, NDEPs, SDEPs, TAs, academic fellows, etc.) to fulfill their academic obligations to the student.

Article 3, Scope of application
Students are encouraged to study the study regulations and the general rules of the University in order to know their rights and obligations. Students may submit a verbal and/or written complaint when an action or decision of a member of the University of Crete is not in accordance with:

a. The regulations of study and attendance, the regulations for the operation of services, the approved decisions of the Senate concerning student welfare issues, the contractual obligations for services provided by a contractor.
b. The Codes of Conduct in accordance with the institutional framework of the Institution
c. The principles of Academic Teaching and Research
d. The proper use of facilities and infrastructure
e. The protection of intellectual property and copyright f. The protection of personal data
f. Appropriate work conduct
g. The principles of gender equality and the principles of non-discrimination, intimidation, harassment and sexual harassment.

Article 4, Management of complaints
  • In any case, the submission of a complaint is not a reflexive response to any unsatisfied request of a student. Good-natured discussion and a willingness to resolve a problem interpersonally is a basic academic strategy and should be chosen before the problem acquires the potential rigidity of a complaint.
  • If a grievance is ultimately filed, the student should submit it anonymously within 30 days of the day the problem occurs, in writing or by email, to the appropriate institution/agency , using his/her institutional mail. The contact details of each competent institution/service are posted on the respective website of the University of Crete.
  • The members of the academic and administrative services of the Institution or the competent bodies involved in the Complaints Management process will handle the procedure in terms of confidentiality, transparency, objectivity and respect for the personal data of the parties concerned. The obligation of confidentiality shall extend to the content of consultations necessary for the assessment of the data and the taking of a decision. The University of Crete treats personal data protection and security issues with seriousness and sensitivity in accordance with the provisions of the 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation.
  • In each Step of the Complaints Management the complainant has the option to address one or more of the competent bodies requesting parallel action to resolve the case.

 Article 5, Complaints Management Procedure
The steps to be followed in the event of a complaint are detailed below and summarised in the Flowchart, which forms an integral part of these Rules
  • APPROACH: The student may meet directly with the member of the academic community directly concerned with whom he/she has the problem. Alternatively, he/she may contact the faculty advisor seeking advice and guidance on how to resolve the problem. Similarly, the student may meet directly with the relevant departmental officer. At the end of the Hearing process, if the teacher advisor is involved, the student informs him/her of the successful or unsuccessful outcome of the process. If the outcome is successful, it is recorded by the advisor and reported to the supervisors only if requested and under conditions of confidentiality and anonymity, for use in statistical analyses.
  • In cases where the student does not wish to opt for the hearing process or if, after the direct resolution process has been completed, the student still objects to the way the situation was resolved or the situation is still problematic, then the student may submit his/her complaint to the appropriate competent body/agency requesting mediation to resolve the case.
 The student can contact the competent institution to take over the case. The competent bodies are:

    a) The Student Advocate
    b) The Gender Equality Committee
    c) The Data Protection Officer
    d) The Ethics Committee
  • The representative of the competent body mediates with the persons or competent bodies/agencies that could resolve the case, always with the consent of the complainant. If the competent body chosen is not competent to deal with the matter, it must inform the person who approached it. The contact details of each competent body are posted on the relevant link on the University's website.
  • At the end of the issue resolution process, the student informs the Responsible Body of the successful or unsuccessful outcome of the process. If the outcome is successful it is recorded by the Responsible Body and reported to the superiors only if requested and under conditions of confidentiality and anonymity, for use in statistical analyses.
  • If the problem is not resolved in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b), it shall be reported to the Commission. 2 and 3 of this Article, then, if the complainant so wishes, the representative of the competent institution may represent the complainant in the procedures provided for in the following Article.

Article 6, Objections procedure
  • In cases where, after the completion of the procedure of par. 2 and 3 of the previous article for the resolution of the problem-complaint, the student objects to the resolution or the situation is still problematic, then he/she can resubmit his/her complaint in writing to the competent administrative bodies of the PC.
  • The relevant General Directorate, the Department Chair, the Dean and the Rector and the Rectoral Authorities are defined as the competent bodies.
  • The appeal must be submitted by confidential protocol using the specific APPEAL FORM (see ANNEX).
  • The procedure in this article may be chosen at the outset if the student considers that the matter concerning him/her will not be resolved by following the procedure in the previous article.
  • The procedure in this article does not apply in cases of a grievance by a student, of any course of study, for which the assistance of the Departmental Assembly/Curriculum Committee has been sought at this stage. At the end of the resolution process, the student shall inform the Competent Body of the successful or unsuccessful outcome of the process. If the outcome is successful, it is recorded by the person in charge of the competent institution and reported to the higher authorities only if requested and under conditions of confidentiality and anonymity, for use in statistical analyses.