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2019 Evaluation of the Programme of Undergraduate Studies  of Computer Science Department

Following an evaluation of the Department's Undergraduate Program (September 27-28, 2019) The Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency certifies that the Program of Undergraduate Studies of Computer Science complies with the principles of the "Standards for Quality Accreditation of Undergraduate Programmes" published by HQA and the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) corresponding to level 6 of the National and European Qualifications Framework.


2017 - The Department of Computer Science at the University of Crete is ranked in positions 251-300 for 2018 by Times Higher Education (THE).

On October 17, 2017, Times Higher Education (THE) one of the most credible international organizations for university rankings, has announced rankings for individual scientific fields for Universities that participate to the rankings. The performance indicators used for the rankings cover all aspects of the role and mission of modern Universities: teaching (the learning environment), research (volume, income and reputation), citations (research influence), international outlook (staff, students and research), and industry income (knowledge transfer). Based on these indicators, in the area of Computer Science, the Department of Computer Science in the University of Crete is the only Department in Greece ranked among the top 300 Departments world-wide.
ΤΗΕ World University Rankings 2018 by subject: computer science:!/page/0/length/-1/subjects/3081/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats

2014 - External Evaluation of the Department of Computer Science


The External Evaluation of the Department of Computer Science took place on 28, 29 and 30 November, 2011, in accordance with Law 3374/2005.  The committee of external evaluators consisted of:



  • Professor George Karypis (Committee Chair), University of Minnesota, USA
  • Dr Theodoros N. Arvanitis, University of Birmingham, UK
  • Dr Nikolaos Boulgouris, Brunel University, UK.
  • Professor Maria Petrou, Center for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece
  • Professor Nikolaos D. Sidiropoulos, University of Minnesota, USA


An indicative list of the evaluation report follows:

"Overall, the EEC was impressed by the quality of students, staff, teaching, and research. There is an atmosphere of mutual respect between students and staff, a sense of pride by both in being members of the Department, and their strong desire to excel in their mission. This coupled with the strong team spirit that permeates the Department raises the EEC‘s confidence that the Department will continue on its path of excellence"

The evaluation results are included in the evaluation report: