Professor of Computer Science, University of Crete
Department of Computer Science, University of Crete
P.O.Box 2208
Knossou Avenue
GR-71409 Heraklion
Affiliated Researcher to ICS-FORTH
Institute of Computer Science (ICS)
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton
P.O Box 1385
GR-70013 Heraklion, Crete, GREECE
Phone: +30 2810 391628
Fax: +30 2810 391638
Prof. Vassilis Christophides is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Crete and affiliated to the Information Systems Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Science, FORTH.
Research Interests
- Databases and Web Information Systems:
- XML/RDF Storage and Indexing Schemes
- Semantics-aware Data Models and Query Languages
- Heterogeneous Information Integration
- Change Management,
- Graphical Query Interfaces
- Digital Libraries
- Personalization and Preference Management
- Peer-to-Peer Data and Knowledge Management Systems
- Publish/Subscribe Systems
- Graph Mining and Power Laws
- Scientific Systems
- Workflow Management Systems
- Description and Composition of e-services
- Data Provenance and Annotation Management
Awards and Distinctions
- ISWC 2009 Best Student Paper Award (for V. Papavasileiou)
- ISWC 2007 Best Paper Award
- ACM/SIGMOD 2004 Test of Time Award
- ISWC 2003 Best Paper Award
- Postdoctoral Fellowship (1996-1997), Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH-ICS), Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
- PhD Fellowship (1992-1995) of the French Ministry of Research and Education at the Verso Group, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (I.N.R.I.A), Paris, France.
- Graduate Scholarship (1991-1992) of the Bodosakis Foundation at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Paris, France
Participation in Research Projects
- APARSEN - Alliance Permanent Access to the Records of Science in Europe Network, (NoE 269977, total budget 8.687.572€), FORTH-ICS budget 310.240€ (with G. Antoniou, Y. Tzitzikas)
- GNM - Documentation Management System V2.0 for the Germanische Nationalmuseum Nuremberg, FORTH-ICS budget 140.000€ (with M. Doerr)
- plugIT - Business and IT Alignment using a Model-based Plug-in Framework, (CP 231430, total budget 3.657.935€), FORTH-ICS budget 265.480€ (with D. Plexousakis)
- Greek Archive of Monuments, Digitization of archival material at the Greek Archive of Monuments, FORTH-ICS budget 367.080€ (with M. Doerr)
- KPLab - Developing Knowledge Practices Laboratory, Integrated Project, (IP 27490, total budget 14.241.444€) Member of Project Management Board and FORTH-ICS Scientific Coordinator with budget 939.132€ (with D. Kotzinos, G Flouris)
- CASPAR - Cultural, Artistic and Scientific Knowledge for Preservation, Access and Retrieval Integrated Project, (IP 33572, total budget 15.078.563€) FORTH-ICS Scientific Coordinator with budget 665.400€ (with Y. Tzitzikas, G Flouris)
- Beyond-the-Horizon - Anticipating Future and Emerging Information Society Technologies, FET Programme (IST-FP6-006622), FORTH-ICS budget 139.200€ (with D. Plexousakis, C. Stephanidis)
- DELOS - Network of Excellence in Digital Libraries, (NoE 507618, total budget 15.700.000€), FORTH-ICS budget 434.400€ (with C. Stephanidis, M. Doerr)
- Standards for cultural documentation and support technologies for the integration of digital cultural repositories and systems interoperability: Studies, Prototypes and Best-practices guides, Greek Operational Progamme "Information Society", FORTH-ICS budget 110.000€ (with M. Doerr)
- GNM - Documentation Management System for the Germanische Nationalmuseum Nuremberg, FORTH-ICS budget 150.000€ (with M. Doerr)
- DIAVATIS – Interactive System for Improving the Promotion of Touristic & Historical Aspects, (GSRT - Op. Pr. Competitiveness, total budget 840.393€), FORTH-ICS budget 291.589€ (with P. Constantopoulos)
- ubi-erat-lupa, European Culture 2000 (Project No 2002 - 0462/001-001 CLT-CA22 , total budget 900.000€) , FORTH-ICS budget 187.500€ (with M. Doerr)
- CRISATEL - Conservation Restoration Innovation Systems for image capture and digital Archiving to enhance Training, Education and longlife Learning, European (IST-1999-20163, total budget 2.669.820€), FORTH-ICS budget 230.000€ (with M. Doerr)
- SeLeNe - Self e-Learning Networks, (IST 39045, total budget 283.000€) FORTH-ICS Scientific Coordinator budget 59.000€ (with D. Kotzinos)
- QuestionHow - Quality Engineering Solutions via Tools, Information and Outreach for the New Highly-enriched Offerings from W3C: Evolving the Web in Europe (IST- 2000-28767) FORTH-ICS - ISL budget 20.000€ (with E. Markatos)
- SIS-TMS, Semantic Index System – Thesaurus Management System (with M. Doerr)
- OntoWeb - Network of Excellence on Ontology-based Information Exchange for Knowledge Management and Electronic Commerce, (IST-2000-29243, total budget 1.866.332€), FORTH-ICS Scientific Coordinator with budget 51.600€ (with D. Plexousakis)
- MESMUSES - Metaphors for Science Museums, (IST-26074, total budget 2.386.166€) FORTH-ICS Scientific Coordinator with budget 304.988€ (with D. Plexousakis)
- Telematics Centre, Information Highway linking organizations in Crete, Cyprus and south-eastern Mediterranean : Cultural telematics Applications, Region of Crete, INTERREG II, FORTH-ICS-ISL budget 676.200€ (with P. Constantopoulos)
- C-Web - A Generic Platform Supporting Community Webs, (IST 13479, total budget 342.401€) FORTH-ICS Scientific Coordinator with budget 79.200€
- ECTourism - An Electronic Commerce System for the Provision of Tourism Services over Internet, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greek Ministry of Development, total budget 1.115.187€, FORTH-ICS budget 358.034€ (with D. Plexousakis)
- ARION - An Advanced Lightweight Architecture for Accessing Scientific Collections, (IST 25289, total budget 860.000€) FORTH-ICS budget 280.000€ (with C. Houstis)
- Thetis - A Data Management and data Visualization System for Supporting Coastal Zone Management for the Mediterranean Sea (F0069, total budget 550.000€) FORTH-ICS budget 250.000€ (with C. Houstis)
- Aquarelle - Sharing Cultural Heritage through Multimedia Telematics (IE-2005, total budget 6.009.756 Ecus) FORTH-ICS budget 344.622Ecus (with P. Constantopoulos, M. Doerr)
- CIMI Z39.50 - Testbed, FORTH-ICS budget 2000$.
Short CV
Vassilis Christophides is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Crete and affiliated researcher at the Information Systems and Software Technology Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Science Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH-ICS). He studied Electrical engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, July 1988, he received his DEA in computer science from the University PARIS VI, June 1992 and his Ph.D. from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM) of Paris, France, October 1996.
He has extensive experience in the scientific coordination of research projects at the Institute of Computer Science at FORTH. The last 15 years has been actively participated in more than 10 R&D projects at national and European levels.
He has published over 100 articles in international conferences, workshops and journals, and his research work received in total 3925 citations according to Google Scholar with a h-index 31 (or 1731 citations according to Microsoft Academic Research with a h-index 20). The majority of his research work has been produced in collaboration with M.S. and Ph.D students of the University of Crete (his has supervised more than 30 M.S. theses) financially supported by the Institute of Computer Science at FORTH.
He has received the 2004 SIGMOD Test of Time Award and the Best Paper Award at the 2nd and 6th International Semantic Web Conference in 2003 & 2007.
He has finally chaired or served on program committees of numerous conferences (ACM SIGMOD, VLDB, EDBT, WWW, ISWC, ICWE, ICWS, ECDL, ESWC) and workshops (PersDB, MMGPS, SCC, WebDB, SemWeb).