Mail registration to courses mailing lists is done sending an email to, without any subject. In the body of the mail, top of line, write:
subscribe hyXXX-list
where XXX is to be replaced with the three-digit number of the lesson.
If the subscription is successful, an automatic welcome message to the list of the course will be sent to the subscriber.
The emails sent to the list from this moment on should be sent to addresses such as:
where XXX is the number assigned to the course (e.g. hy120-list).
All mails sent to the course list are automatically redirected to the list suscribers.
NOTE: For the courses HY-118 HY-150 HY-240 HY-335 (taught twice a year) the subscribtion must be done in the form hyXXXa-list for the autumn semester and hyXXXb-list for the spring semester (e.g. hy150a-list or hy150b-list, depending from the semester).
Notice that mail lists courses are "restricted", i.e. sending to these addresses is permitted only from the University ( and the Institute of Informatics ( It is so essential that registration be done from the Department email account (