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Selected publications


Georgios Tziritas : publications

This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.


G. Tziritas and C. Labit, Motion Analysis for Image Sequence Coding,
pp. 366+xxiv, Elsevier, 1994.

Book chapter

E. Sifakis and G. Tziritas, Fast Marching techniques for Visual Grouping,
in Geometric Level Set Methods in Imaging, Vision and Graphics,
edited by S. Osher and N. Paragios, Springer Verlag, July 2003.

Journal articles

  1. C. Sfakianakis, G. Simantiris and G. Tziritas, GUDU: Geometrically-constrained Ultrasound Data augmentation in U-Net for echocardiography semantic segmentation,
    Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 82, April 2023.
  2. W. Xue, ..., G. Tziritas, E. Grinias, et al., Full Left Ventricle Quantification Challenge: A Comprehensive Comparison and Evaluation of Segmentation and Regression for Cardiac MR data, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Vol. 25, No. 9, pp. 3541-3553, Sept. 2021.
  3. G. Simantiris and G. Tziritas, Cardiac MRI Segmentation with a Dilated CNN Incorporating Domain-specific Constraints, Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 14, pp. 1235-1243, Oct. 2020.
  4. O. Bernard, ..., G. Tziritas, E. Grinias, et al., Deep Learning Techniques for Automatic MRI Cardiac Multi-structures Segmentation and Diagnosis: Is the Problem Solved?,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 37, pp. 2514-2525, Nov. 2018.
  5. I. Grinias, C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas,
    MRF-based Segmentation and Unsupervised Classification for Building and Road Detection in Peri-urban Areas of High-resolution Satellite Images,
    ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 122, pp. 145-166, Dec. 2016.
  6. C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, A minimum spanning tree equipartition algorithm for microaggregation, Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 846-865, 2015.
  7. C. Panagiotakis, H. Papadakis, E. Grinias, N. Komodakis, P. Fragopoulou and G. Tziritas,
    Interactive Image Segmentation based on Synthetic Graph Coordinates,
    Pattern Recognition, Vol. 46, No. 11, pp. 2940-2952, Nov. 2013.
  8. C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, Successive Group Selection for Microaggregation,
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.25, No.5, pp.1191-1195, May 2013.
  9. C. Panagiotakis, I. Grinias and G. Tziritas, Natural Image Segmentation based on Tree Equipartition, Bayesian Flooding and Region Merging,
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 20, pp. 2276 - 2287, Aug. 2011.
  10. N. Komodakis, N. Paragios and G. Tziritas, MRF Energy Minimization and beyond via Dual Decomposition,
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 531-552, March 2011.
  11. M. Mazonakis, E. Grinias, K. Pagonidis, G. Tziritas and J. Damilakis,
    Development and evaluation of a semiautomatic segmentation method for the estimation of LV parameters on cine MR images,
    Physics in Medicine and Biology, pp. 1127-1140, 2010.
  12. C. Panagiotakis, K. Athanassopoulos and G. Tziritas, The curve equipartition problem,
    Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Vol. 42, pp. 677-689, Aug. 2009.
  13. C. Panagiotakis, A. Doulamis and G. Tziritas, Equivalent key frames selection based on Iso-content principles,
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 447-451, March 2009.
  14. N. Komodakis, G. Tziritas and N. Paragios,
    Performance vs Computational Efficiency for Optimizing Single and Dynamic MRFs: Setting the State of the Art with Primal Dual Strategies,
    Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 112, pp. 14-29, Oct. 2008.
  15. E. Ramasso, C. Panagiotakis, M. Rombaut, D. Pellerin and G. Tziritas,
    Human shape-motion analysis for action/activity recognition applied to athletic videos,
    Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 32-50, 2008.
  16. B. Glocker, N. Komodakis, G. Tziritas, N. Navab and N.Paragios,
    Dense Image Registration through MRFs and Efficient Linear Programming, Medical Image Analysis, pp. 731-741, Dec. 2008.
  17. C. Panagiotakis, E. Ramasso, G. Tziritas, D. Pellerin and M. Rombaut,
    Shape-based individual/group detection for sport videos categorization,
    International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 22, pp. 1187-1213, Sept. 2008.
  18. N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, Morphable 3D-Mosaics: a Hybrid Framework for Photorealistic Walkthroughs of Large Natural Environments,
    Advances in Multimedia, Vol. 2008.
  19. N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, Real-time exploration and photorealistic reconstruction of large natural environments,
    Visual Computer, 2008.
  20. N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, Image Completion Using Efficient Belief Propagation via Priority Scheduling and Dynamic Pruning,
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 16, No. 11, pp. 2649 - 2661, Nov. 2007.
  21. N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, Approximate labeling via graph cuts based on linear programming,
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Aug. 2007.
  22. C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, Any dimension polygonal approximation based on equidistance principle ,
    Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 582-591, April 2007.
  23. C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, Snake terrestrial locomotion synthesis in 3D virtual environments,
    Visual Computer, 2006.
  24. N. Komodakis, C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, 3D visual reconstruction of large scale natural sites and their fauna,
    Signal Processing: Image Communication, pp. 869-890, 2005.
  25. C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, A speech/music discriminator based on RMS and zero-crossings,
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 7, No. 1, Feb. 2005.
  26. S. Liapis and G. Tziritas, Colour and texture image retrieval using chromaticity histograms and wavelet frames,
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 676-686, Oct. 2004.
  27. S. Liapis, E. Sifakis, and G. Tziritas, Colour and texture segmentation using wavelet frame analysis, deterministic relaxation and fast marching algorithms, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,
    Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-26, March 2004.
  28. P. Daras, I. Kompatsiaris, I. Grinias, G. Akrivas, G. Tziritas, S. Kollias, and M. Strintzis,
    MPEG-4 Authoring Tool using Moving Object Segmentation and Tracking in Video Shots,
    EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2003, No. 9, pp. 861-877, Aug. 2003.
  29. M. Traka and G. Tziritas, Panoramic view construction, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 465-481, 2003.
  30. C. Garcia and G. Tziritas, Optimal projection of 2-D displacements for 3-D translational motion estimation,
    Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 793-804, Oct. 2002.
  31. E. Sifakis, I. Grinias, and G. Tziritas, Video segmentation using fast marching and region growing algorithms, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, pp. 379-388, April 2002.
  32. I. Grinias and G. Tziritas, A semi-automatic seeded region growing algorithm for video object localization and tracking, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 16, No. 10, pp. 977-986, 2001.
  33. E. Sifakis and G. Tziritas, Moving object localisation using a multi-label fast marching algorithm , Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 16, No. 10, pp. 963-976, 2001.
  34. E. Sifakis, C. Garcia, and G. Tziritas, Bayesian level sets for image segmentation, Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2001.
  35. C. Garcia, G. Zikos, and G. Tziritas, Wavelet packet analysis for face recognition,
    Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.289-297, Feb. 2000.
  36. C. Garcia and G. Tziritas, Face detection using quantized skin color regions merging and wavelet packet analysis,
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol.
    MM-1, No. 3, pp. 264-277, Sept. 1999.
  37. N. Paragios and G. Tziritas, Adaptive detection and localization of moving objects in image sequences,
    Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 14, No 4, pp. 277-296, 1999.
  38. J.-C. Pesquet, O. Macchi, and G. Tziritas, Soft-constrained LMS algorithms for decoder stability in backward adaptive predictive systems, Signal Processing, Vol. 31, pp. 1-15, 1993.
  39. G. Tziritas and J.-C. Pesquet, Predictive coding of images using an adaptive intra-frame predictor and motion compensation, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 4, pp. 457-476, 1992.
  40. G. Tziritas, Recursive and/or iterative estimation of the two-dimensional velocity field and reconstruction of three-dimensional motion, Signal Processing, Vol. 16, pp. 53-72, 1989.
  41. J.-C. Pesquet et G. Tziritas, Methodes adaptatives appliquees au codage predictif intra- et inter-images,
    Traitement du Signal, Vol. 5, pp. 143-152, 1988.
  42. G. Tziritas, Estimation recursive-iterative du mouvement apparent dans une sequence d'images,
    Traitement du Signal, Vol. 5, pp. 305-310, 1988.
  43. G. Tziritas, On the distribution of positive-definite Gaussian quadratic forms,
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.
    IT-33, pp. 895-906, Nov. 1987.
  44. G. Tziritas, Estimation du flux optique basee sur le gradient, Traitement du Signal, Vol. 3, pp. 3-11, 1986.
  45. G. Tziritas and G. Hakizimana, Discrete realization for receivers detecting signals over random dispersive channels.
    Part I: Range-spread channels, Signal Processing, Vol. 9, pp. 77-88, 1985.
  46. L. Andriot, G. Tziritas, and G. Jourdain, Discrete realization for receivers detecting signals over random dispersive channels.
    Part II: Doppler-spread channels, Signal Processing, Vol. pp. 89-100, 1985.
  47. G. Jourdain and G. Tziritas, Communication over fading dispersive channels, optimal receivers and signals,
    Signal Processing, Vol. 6, pp. 3-25, Jan. 1984.
  48. G. Tziritas, Transmission suivant deux trajets a evanouissement de Rayleigh: recepteurs optimaux,
    Annales des Telecommunications, Vol. 36, pp. 585-594, 1981.

Conference papers

  1. G. Tziritas, EigenBoundaries for temporally regularized segmentation of echocardiographic images,
    MICCAI Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Modelling of the Heart, 2024.
  2. E. Grinias and G. Tziritas, Convexity and connectivity principles applied for Left Ventricle segmentation and quantification,
    MICCAI Left Ventricle Full Quantification Challenge, 2018.
  3. E. Grinias and G. Tziritas, Fast fully-automatic cardiac segmentation in MRI using MRF model optimization, substructures tracking and B-spline smoothing,
    MICCAI Automated Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge, 2017.
  4. G. Tziritas, Fully-automatic segmentation of cardiac images using 3-D MRF model optimization and substructures tracking,
    MICCAI Workshop on Whole-Heart and Great Vessel Segmentation from 3D Cardiovascular MRI in Congenital Heart Disease, 2016.
  5. C. Panagiotakis, H. Papadakis, E. Grinias, N. Komodakis, P. Fragopoulou and G. Tziritas,
    Interactive Image Segmentation via Graph Clustering and Synthetic Coordinates Modeling,
    International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 2013.
  6. I. Grinias, N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, Flooding and MRF-based Algorithms for Interactive Segmentation,
    Intern. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, 2010.
  7. C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, Simultaneous Segmentation and Modelling of Signals based on an Equipartition Principle,
    Intern. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, 2010.
  8. C. Panagiotakis, E. Ramasso and G. Tziritas, Lymphocyte Segmentation using the Transferable Belief Model,
    Intern. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, 2010.
  9. P. Koutsourakis, L. Simon, O. Teboul, G. Tziritas and N. Paragios,
    Single View Reconstruction Using Shape Grammars for Urban Environments, IEEE Intern. Conf. on Computer Vision, 2009.
  10. B. Glocker, N. Komodakis, N. Navab, G. Tziritas and N. Paragios,
    Dense Registration with Deformation Priors, Intern. Conf. on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 2009.
  11. C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, Signal Segmentation and Modelling based on Equipartition Principle,
    Intern. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, 2009.
  12. N. Komodakis, N. Paragios and G. Tziritas, Clustering via LP-based Stabilities,
    Neural Information Processing Systems Conference, 2008.
  13. B. Glocker, N. Paragios, N. Komodakis, G. Tziritas and N. Navab,
    Optical Flow Estimation with Uncertainties through Dynamic MRFs,
    Intern. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008.
  14. A. Besbes, N. Komodakis, B. Glocker, G. Tziritas and N. Paragios,
    4D Ventricular Segmentation and Wall Motion Estimation Using Efficient Discrete Optimization,
    International Symposium in Visual Computing, 2007.
  15. N. Komodakis, N. Paragios and G. Tziritas, MRF Optimization via Dual Decomposition: Message-Passing Revisited,
    IEEE Intern. Conf. on Computer Vision, 2007.
  16. C. Panagiotakis, I. Grinias and G. Tziritas, MINMAX Video Summarization under Equality Principle,
    IEEE Intern. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2007.
  17. B. Glocker, N. Komodakis, N. Paragios, G. Tziritas and N. Navab,
    Primal/Dual Linear Programming and Statistical Atlases for Cartilage Segmentation,
    International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 2007.
  18. N. Komodakis, G. Tziritas and N. Paragios, Fast, approximately optimal solutions for single and dynamic MRFs,
    Intern. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007.
  19. C. Panagiotakis, E. Ramasso, G. Tziritas, D. Pellerin and M. Rombaut,
    Automatic People Detection and Counting for Athletic Videos Classification,
    IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance, 2007.
  20. I. Grinias and G. Tziritas, Foreground Object Localization Using a Flooding Algorithm based on Inter-frame Change and Colour,
    IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance, 2007.
  21. B. Glocker, N. Komodakis, N. Paragios, G. Tziritas and N. Navab, Inter and Intra-Modal Deformable Registration: Continuous Deformations Meet Efficient Optimal Linear Programming, Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 2007.
  22. C. Panagiotakis, A. Doulamis and G. Tziritas, Equivalent key frames selection based on iso-content distance and iso-distortion principles,
    Intern. Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2007.
  23. I. Grinias, N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, Bayesian region growing and MRF-based minimization for texture and colour segmentation,
    Intern. Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2007.
  24. C. Panagiotakis, E. Ramasso, G. Tziritas, D. Pellerin and M. Rombaut,
    Shape-Motion Based Athlete Tracking for Multilevel Action Recognition,
    Intern. Conf. on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, 2006 (Sponsor award).
  25. N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, Image Completion Using Global Optimization,
    Intern. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2006.
  26. I. Grinias and G. Tziritas, Bayesian High Priority Region Growing for Change Detection,
    European Signal Processing Conference, 2006.
  27. C. Panagiotakis, I. Grinias and G. Tziritas, Automatic Human Motion Analysis and Action Recognition in Athletics Videos,
    European Signal Processing Conference, 2006.
  28. A. Doulamis and G. Tziritas,
    Adaptable Neural Networks for Content-based Video Adaptation in Low/Variable Bandwidth Communication Networks,
    International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006.
  29. C. Panagiotakis, G. Georgakopoulos and G. Tziritas, On the Curve Equipartition Problem: a brief exposition of basic issues,
    European Workshop on Computational Geometry, 2006.
  30. N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, A New Framework for Approximate Labeling via Graph Cuts,
    Conf. on Computer Vision, 2005.
  31. I. Grinias and G. Tziritas, Region-level moving object segmentation by graph labeling,
    European Signal Processing Conference, 2005.
  32. E. Ramasso, D. Pellerin, C. Panagiotakis, M. Rombaut, G. Tziritas and W. Lim,
    Spatiotemporal information fusion for human action recognition in videos,
    European Signal Processing Conference, 2005.
  33. C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, Recognition and Tracking of the Members of a Moving Human Body,
    3rd Intern.
    Workshop on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, 2004.
  34. C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, Construction of Animal Models and Motion Synthesis in 3D Virtual Environments using Image Sequences,
    2nd Intern.
    Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2004.
  35. N. Komodakis, G. Pagonis and G. Tziritas, Interactive walkthroughs using morphable 3D-mosaics,
    2nd Intern.
    Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2004.
  36. E. Sifakis and G. Tziritas, Robust object boundary determination using a locally adaptive level set algorithm,
    IEEE Intern.
    Conf. on Image Processing, 2003.
  37. C. Panagiotakis and G. Tziritas, A Speech/Music Discriminator using RMS and Zero-crossings,
    European Signal Processing Conference, 2002.
  38. I. Grinias and G. Tziritas, Robust pan, tilt and zoom estimation, Intern. Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 2002.
  39. C. Garcia, G. Simantiris, and G. Tziritas, A feature-based face detector using wavelet frames,
    Workshop on Very Low Bitrate Video Coding, 2001.
  40. I. Grinias, Y. Mavrikakis, and G. Tziritas, Region growing colour image segmentation applied to face detection,
    Workshop on Very Low Bitrate Video Coding, 2001.
  41. C. Garcia and G. Tziritas, 3-D translational motion estimation from 2-D displacements,
    IEEE Intern. Conf. on Image Processing, 2001.
  42. E. Sifakis, I. Grinias, and G. Tziritas, Video segmentation using fast marching and region growing algorithms,
    3rd European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2001 (invited).
  43. S. Liapis and G. Tziritas, Image retrieval by color and texture using chromaticity histograms and wavelet frames,
    Conf. on Visual Information and Information Systems, 2000.
  44. S. Liapis, E. Sifakis and G. Tziritas, Color and/or Texture Segmentation using Deterministic Relaxation and Fast Marching Algorithms,
    Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 3, pp. 621-624, 2000.
  45. P. Bouthemy, C. Garcia, R. Ronfard, G. Tziritas, E. Veneau, and D. Zugah,
    Scene segmentation and image feature extraction in the DiVAN video indexing and retrieval architecture,
    Conf. on Visual Information and Information Systems, 1999.
  46. C. Garcia, G. Zikos, and G. Tziritas, Face detection in color images using wavelet packet analysis,
    IEEE Int.
    Conf. on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 1999.
  47. E. Sifakis and G. Tziritas, Fast Marching to Moving Object Location,
    Conf. on Scale Space Theories in Computer Vision, 1999.
  48. C. Garcia, G. Zikos, and G. Tziritas, A wavelet-based framework for face recognition,
    European Conference on Computer Vision, 1998.
  49. I. Grinias and G. Tziritas, Motion segmentation and tracking using a seeded region growing method,
    European Signal Processing Conference, 1998.
  50. G. Tzanetakis, M. Traka, and G. Tziritas, Motion estimation based on affine moment invariants,
    European Signal Processing Conference, 1998.
  51. S. Liapis, N. Alvertos, and G. Tziritas, Unsupervised texture segmentation using discrete wavelet frames,
    European Signal Processing Conference, 1998.
  52. N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, Robust 3-D motion estimation and depth layering,
    Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 1997.
  53. S. Liapis, N. Alvertos, and G. Tziritas, Maximum likelihood texture classification and bayesian texture segmentation using discrete wavelet frames, Intern. Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 1997.
  54. I. Patras, E. Hendriks, and G. Tziritas, A joint motion/disparity estimation method for the construction of stereo interpolated images in stereoscopic image sequences,
    Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, 1997.
  55. I. Patras, E. Hendriks, and G. Tziritas, Construction of multiple views using jointly estimated motion and disparity fields , SPIE Conf. on Visual Communication and Image Processing, 1997.
  56. N. Paragios, P. Perez, G. Tziritas, C. Labit, and P. Bouthemy,
    Adaptive detection of moving objects using multiscale techniques,
    IEEE Intern.
    Conf. on Image Processing, 1996.
  57. N. Paragios and G. Tziritas, Detection and location of moving objects using deterministic relaxation algorithms,
    Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Vol. I, pp. 201-205, 1996.
  58. I. Patras, N. Alvertos, and G. Tziritas, Joint disparity and motion field estimation in stereoscopic image sequences,
    Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Vol. I, pp. 359-363, 1996.
  59. A. Benazza and G. Tziritas, Optimisation d'un quantificateur vectoriel a codes produits a analyse lineaire,
    Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, France, 1995.
  60. G. Tziritas, Rate distortion theory for image and video coding,
    Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Cyprus, 1995.
  61. S. Orphanoudakis, G. Tziritas, and K. Haris, A hybrid algorithm for the segmentation of 2-D/3-D images,
    Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, France, 1995.
  62. K. Haris, G. Tziritas, and S. Orphanoudakis, Smoothing 2-D or 3-D images using local classification,
    European Signal Processing Conference, pp. 1504-1507, United Kingdom, 1994.
  63. A. Benazza and G. Tziritas, Enhancement of digital television signals corrupted by channel errors,
    Picture Coding Symposium, pp. 17.2.1-17.2.4, 1993.
  64. K. Haris, G. Hatzimihalis, G. Tziritas, and S. Orphanoudakis, A method for accurate localization of surfaces in 3-D medical images, Volume Image Processing Conference, 1993.
  65. G. Tziritas, A new pel-recursive Kalman-based motion estimation method,
    European Signal Processing Conference, pp. 1341-1344, 1992.
  66. A. Benazza and G. Tziritas, Hierarchical classification in vector quantization,
    URSI Intern. Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics, France, 1992.
  67. A. Benazza et G. Tziritas, Optimisation d'un quantificateur vectoriel a codes produit sous une contrainte de debit fixe, Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, pp. 849-852, 1991.
  68. J.-C. Pesquet, G. Tziritas, and O. Macchi, Modified LMS algorithms for robust ADPCM,
    IEEE Intern.
    Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 1405-1408, 1990.
  69. G. Tziritas, Smoothing the displacement field for edge-based motion estimation,
    European Signal Processing Conference, pp. 967-970, 1990.
  70. J.-C. Pesquet, O. Macchi, and G. Tziritas, Second order statistical analysis of two constrained LMS algorithms,
    European Signal Processing Conference, pp. 193-196, 1990.
  71. G. Tziritas and J.-C. Pesquet, A hybrid image coder: Adaptive intra/inter-frame prediction using motion compensation, IEEE Workshop on Multi-dimensional Signal Processing, 1989.
  72. G. Tziritas and J.-C. Pesquet, A hybrid image coder: Adaptive intra/inter-frame prediction using motion compensation, IEEE Intern. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 1878-1881, 1989.
  73. F. Cherif, M. Jaidane-Saidane, et G. Tziritas, Transmission numerique a debit reduit par codage MICDA des signaux 1-D et 2-D: probleme de non-alignement, Journees Tunisiennes d'Electrotechnique et d'automatique, 1989.
  74. J.-C. Pesquet and G. Tziritas, Adaptive methods applied to intra and interframe coding,
    SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, pp. 424-431, 1988.
  75. G. Tziritas, Displacement estimation for image predictive coding and frame motion-adaptive interpolation,
    SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, pp. 936-941, 1988.
  76. G. Tziritas, Estimation recursive-iterative du mouvement apparent dans une sequence d'images,
    2e Atelier scientifique Traitement d'Images, 1988.
  77. G. Tziritas, Estimation of motion and structure of 3-D objects from a sequence of images,
    IEEE Workshop on Multi-dimensional Signal Processing, 1987.
  78. G. Tziritas, Estimation of motion and structure of 3-D objects from a sequence of images,
    IEEE Intern.
    Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 693-697, 1987.
  79. G. Tziritas, Sur l'operateur covariance d'une classe generale de processus non stationnaire,
    Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, pp. 101-106, 1985.
  80. G. Tziritas and G. Hakizimana, Communications over range-spread random channels: a discrete realization for the receiver, European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, pp. 363-366, 1985.
  81. L. Andriot, G. Tziritas, and G. Jourdain, Discrete realization for receivers detecting signals over random dispersive channels, European Signal Processing Conference, pp. 487-490, 1983.
  82. G. Tziritas and G. Jourdain, Communication over random dispersive channels, optimal receivers and signals, Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 1983.
  83. H. Cherifi, G. Tziritas, and G. Jourdain, Reception optimale et sous-optimale apres transmission dans un canal a modulation d'amplitude aleatoire, Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal, pp. 93-98, 1983.
  84. G. Jourdain and G. Tziritas, Communication in a fluctuating channel, models and use of explicit or implicit diversity,
    IEEE Intern.
    Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 113-116, 1982.
  85. G. Tziritas, On expansion of probability distribution for quadratic forms,
    IEEE Intern.
    Symposium on Information theory, pp. 146-147, 1982.
  86. G. Tziritas, Approximation de la probabilite d'erreur des recepteurs a traitement quadratique,
    Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal, pp. 171-178, 1981.
  87. G. Jourdain and G. Tziritas, Optimal receivers over randomly time and frequency dispersive channels, multipath case, European Signal Processing Conference, pp. 443-448, 1980.


  1. C. Panagiotakis, I. Grinias and G. Tziritas, Texture Segmentation Based on Voting of Blocks, Bayesian Flooding and Region Merging,
    ICPR Contest on Unsupervised Image Segmentation, 2014 (first Prize).
  2. N. Komodakis and G. Tziritas, Morphable 3D-mosaics, a framework for the visual reconstruction of large natural scenes, (avi 56 MB),
    Video Proceedings, Intern. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2006.

Technical reports

  1. N. Paragios and G. Tziritas, Adaptive detection and localization of moving objects in image sequences, ICS-FORTH, TR-174, October 1996.
  2. I. Patras, N. Alvertos, and G. Tziritas, Joint disparity and motion field estimation in stereoscopic image sequences, ICS-FORTH, TR-157, December 1995.
  3. N. Paragios and G. Tziritas, Detection and location of moving objects using deterministic relaxation algorithms, ICS-FORTH, TR-155, December 1995.