CS-534: Packet Switch Architecture
Spring 2004
Department of Computer Science
© copyright: University of Crete, Greece

2.1   Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), Time Switching, Cut-Through

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2.1.1   Circuit Switching - Packet Switching

Multiplexing - Demultiplexing

Partitioned versus Shared Link Capacity

Circuit Switching

Rate Changes - Buffering - Statistical Multiplexing

Packet Switching

2.1.2   Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), Digital Telephony

Sampling rate, frames, multiplexing, demultiplexing

2.1.3   Time-Division Switching, Time Slot Interchange (TSI)

Time-Division Switching - Time Slot Interchange

TSI merged to the Multiplexor (when single connection per line)

TSI merged to the Demultiplexor (w. single connection per line)

TSI cannot be merged when multiple connections per line

Per-Byte Time Switching: throughput limitation

2.1.4   Time Switching with Packets, First Switch Generations, Cut-Through

Time Switching: from Circuit Switching to Packet Switching

First Generation Switches

Second Generation Switches

Store-and-Forward versus Cut-Through

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[2.2 On-Chip SRAM, Power - Next]

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© copyright University of Crete, Greece.
Last updated: 17 Apr. 2004, by M. Katevenis.