CS-534: Packet Switch Architecture
Fall 2001
Department of Computer Science
© copyright: University of Crete, Greece

Log of Past Lectures:

01a  24 Sep.	Overview, Links
01b  26 Sep.	Serial/Parallel, TDM, Time Div. Switching
		Exercises 1: Rate & throughput calculations

02a  01 Oct.	Xbar Sched. in TDM, Ch.2 (Basic Conc.) #1
		Exercises 2: TST circuit switch scheduling
02b  03 Oct.	Ch.2 (Basic Concepts of Pck Switching) #2

03a  08 Oct.	Basic Concepts #3, Switch Generations.
		Ex.3: Int.blocking, cut-through, sw.gener.
03b  10 Oct.	Ch.3: On-chip SRAM, Off-chip SRAM #1

04a  15 Oct.	Off-Chip SRAM #2
		Exercises 4: RAM access rate, segment rate
04b  17 Oct.	DRAM, Synchronizers #1

05a  22 Oct.	Elastic Buffers, FIFO's in circular buffers
		Exercises 5: Linked List Multi-Q memories
05b  24 Oct.	Multi-Queue Data Structures (3.5) #1

06a  29 Oct.	Multi-Q Data Str.(3.5)#2, multicast Q's (3.6)
06b  31 Oct.	finish 3.6;  Ch.4: OutQ family
06c  02 Nov.	---  FRONTISTHRIO ---  11:15 - 13:00, L-206
		Exercises 6: more linked list multi-Q memories

07a  05 Nov.	---  MIDTERM EXAM ---
07b  07 Nov.	outQ performance, block xpointQ, inputQ / HOL bl.

08a  12 Nov.	inputQ perf.; per-output inputQ (VOQ); speed-up
		Exercises 7: queueing arch. cost (SRAM chips/blocks)
08b  14 Nov.	Qarch. variations/comparisons, wide/pipelined mem.

09a  19 Nov.	Crossbar Scheduling, speedup to match outQ
		Exercises 8: inQ sat.thrup., VOQ/crossbar scheduling
----NORMAL SCHEDULE beyond this point would be:---------------------
09b  21 Nov.	Ch.5: Sw.Fabric Topol.#1 (guest: prof. Fragopoulou)
10a  26 Nov.	Switching Fabric Topol.#2 (guest: prof. Fragopoulou)
		Exercises 9: Switching fabric topologies
10b  28 Nov.	Fabrics Discussion, Bufferless/Buffered
		*** Paper Reading Assignments ***
11a  03 Dec.	Fabrics w. Int. Backpressure, flow ctrl.
11b  05 Dec.	Flow Control, Multilane Backpressure
		Exercises 10: Flow control
12a  10 Dec.	Output Scheduling for QoS #1
12b  12 Dec.	Output Scheduling for QoS #2
13a  17 Dec.	Student Presentations #1
13b  19 Dec.	Student Presentations #2
----but ACTUAL SCHEDULE beyond this point was / will be:------------

09b  21 Nov.	CIOQ match outQ (end); intro scheduling, conserv.law

10a  26 Nov.	Output Scheduling for QoS #2
10b  28 Nov.	Output Scheduling for QoS #3
		Exercises 9: Scheduling
		*** Paper Reading Assignments ***

11a  03 Dec.	Switching Fabric Topol.#1 (guest: prof. Fragopoulou)
11b  05 Dec.	Switching Fabric Topol.#2 (guest: prof. Fragopoulou)
		Exercises 10: Switching fabric topologies

12a  10 Dec.	Ch.8: Fabrics w. Int. Backpressure, flow ctrl.
12b  12 Dec.	Flow Control, Multilane Backpressure
		Exercises 11: flow control, backpressure (due 1/2002)

13a  17 Dec.	Student Presentations #1
13b  19 Dec.	Student Presentations #2

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© 2001 copyright: University of Crete, Greece.
Last updated: 28 Nov. 2001, by M. Katevenis.