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Kostas Magoutis
Kostas Magoutis
Associate Professor and Chair
Computer Science Department
University of Crete
Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Information for prospective MSc/PhD students: The University of Crete postgraduate programs in Computer Science invite applications from exceptional candidates twice a year (deadlines March 31 and October 31).


My research interests revolve around the following areas:

Read more about my research

This is a partial list of projects I have participated in over the years:

Teaching (full list)

Recent Publications (full list)

Further information about my publications is also available online at DBLP and Google Scholar.

I have also authored a number of patents.

Students and Alumni

I consider myself fortunate to collaborate or have collaborated with the following outstanding students

Recent service (full list)

Distinctions and Awards


I am an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department, University of Crete and collaborating researcher with FORTH-ICS in Heraklion, Greece. Previously I was an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Ioannina (2014-2019, tenured 2017), a Research Staff Member at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in Hawthorne, NY (2003-2009) and taught at Columbia University, NY (2004). Before that I was a graduate student in computer science at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University where I received my Ph.D. in 2003.

I can be contacted via email (use my last name) at (professional) or (personal).

My postal mail address:

Kostas Magoutis
Room H-311
Computer Science Department
University of Crete
Heraklion GR-70013