CS - 588 Analysis and Modeling of Brain Networks
Department of Computer Science
University of Crete

Credits (ECTS): 6
Pre-requisits: CS-217, CS-215, CS-240

Maria Papadopouli (Department of Computer Science, University of Crete) and
Stelios M. Smirnakis (Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School)

Teaching Assistant: Mario Alexios Savaglio (savaglio@csd.uoc.gr) (Department of Computer Science, University of Crete)

Time & Room: Monday 18:00-20:00 [Room A113] & Tuesday 16.00-18.00 [Room H204] (Lectures), Friday 16.00-18.00 [Room A125] (Labs/TAing)   (Lectures start on 11/2/2025)

Office hours: Monday 18.00-19.00 (by appointment)
Mailing List: hy588-list@csd.uoc.gr
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Target audience: Advanced undergraduate and graduate-level students from the Deparment of Computer Science, available/cross-listed in the interdisciplinary graduate program Brain and Mind Sciences, Neuroscience Program, Biomedical Engineering.

Introduction: The importance of networks has become of central interest in the natural sciences, particularly in the study of complex biological systems including the brain. Modern network approaches are beginning to reveal fundamental principles of brain architecture and function. Connectivity plays an important role in neuroanatomy, neurodevelopment, electrophysiology, functional brain imaging, neural basis of cognition. The analysis of network architecture and connectivity illuminates various problems related to integrative brain functions, e.g., the interaction of neurons in complex physiological responses, the integration of sensory features within and across modalities in cerebral cortex, the changes in sensory input or cognitive tasks, effects of brain trauma or disease, variations in cognitive performance.

This new pilot advanced undergraduate-/graduate- level course is an introductory course that will aim to highlight some of the emerging points of contact between neuroscience and network theory and analysis.

To understand the structure, behaviour and evolution of a complex system, such as brain, we require not only knowledge of elementary system components but also knowledge of the ways in which these components interact and the emergent properties of their interactions. The increasing availability of large datasets, powerful computers, and statistical analysis methods make it easier than before to record, analyze, and model the behaviour of such systems.

Neocortex is a six-layered, folded, sheet-like structure that consists of billions of heavily interconnected neurons. It is the interlaced activity patterns across the neocortical populations of neurons which bestow the capacity to interact intelligently with the environment. Over time much has been learned about the computational properties of single neurons. However, we remain far from understanding how networks of cortical cells coordinate and interact with each other in order to process information and to allow cortical circuits to be modified during learning.

Prof. Stelios Smirnakis (Brigham Women's Hospital and Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School) and Prof. Maria Papadopouli (Department of Computer Science, University of Crete) will discuss the functional sub-network architecture of the neocortex. To better illustrate the main issues, the course will focus on the primary visual cortex of the mouse. There are a lot of experimental data collected from the primary visual cortex of the mouse. Dr. Anna Palagina (Harvard Medical School) collected GCaMP6- and OGB -based datasets using 2-photon imaging from the V1 area (layers 3/4) from mice. These datasets will be employed to present some important concepts and they will be used for analysis in several assignments and projects. The course's aim is to introduce students to the basic biology of the mouse neocortex and it will present graph-theoretical and statistical analysis tools for analyzing experimental data. It will demonstrate different types of networks and their properties.

Course Description
The course's aim is to introduce students to the basic biology of the neocortex and present its functional network architecture. To better illustrate the main issues, the course will focus on the primary visual cortex of the mouse. In the first part of the course, it will overview the principles of brain organization, neurophysiology and biophysics of excitable cells, synaptic transmission, network anatomy and physiology and canonical circuits in mouse neocortex. It will then focus on the multi-neuronal computations. The second part will present graph-theoretical and statistical analysis tools for analyzing functional networks. In the third part of the course, experimental methods for probing circuit function using 2 photo imaging, optogenetics, patch clamping in vivo, in vitro will be discussed. An important part of the course will be the project identification and implementation. During the last week, the students will present their project.

Tentative Syllabus

Short Description
Introduction of the course / Fundamental Concepts in Neuroscience
Basic concepts on neurons
Introductory session for the CS students without a background in neuroscience/biology

Prof Maria Papadopouli
Neural Models
Introductory Lecture on Neuronal Models

Prof Maria Papadopouli
Statistical Analysis: Correlations, Null Hypothesis Testing
Statistics: Hypothesis testing, probabilities, CDFs
Temporal correlation measures: Pearson correlation, autocorrelation, periodograms, STTC

Modeling Tools, Null Hypothesis, Temporal Correlation
Modeling Temporal Correlation, STTC, Kolmogorov Smirnov test

Prof Maria Papadopouli
Graph-theoretical methods of analysis
Graph theory, Graph-theoretical properties: path length, degree of connectivity, diameter, clustering coefficient
Network architectures: lattice/regular graphs, random graphs, small world, scale-free networks

Graph Theory

Prof Maria Papadopouli
Fundamentals in neuroscience I
Cellular mechanisms of Memory;
Memory Mechanisms

Prof Kiki Sidiropoulou

Transmission between neurons; the role of neurotransmitters; basics in cognitive neuroscience

Structure & function of the cerebral cortex (updated, 2021)

Dr Manolis Froudarakis (guest lecture)

Functional organization of the cortex: from functional columns to cell assemblies


Functional-organization of the cortex

Dr Vassilis Kehayas
Fundamentals in neuroscience II
Principles of brain organization, structures of neurons, Neurophysiology and biophysics of excitable cells; synaptic transmission;
Network Anatomy, physiology and canonical circuits in mouse neocortex
Focus on visual cortex of the mouse - layers - description
Functional vs. Anatomical vs. Effective connectivity

Early Visual System
Biological_Networks, monitoring methods, 2-photon_imaging

Prof Stelios Smirnakis
Multi-neuronal computations
Desirable Computational properties of biological circuits
Sensory representations and shannon information theory (To be decided)

Prof Stelios Smirnakis
Statistical Analysis: Correlations, Null Hypothesis Testing, Regression and Clustering
Statistics: Hypothesis testing, probabilities, CDFs
Temporal correlation measures: Pearson correlation, autocorrelation, periodograms, STTC

Modeling Tools, Null Hypothesis, Temporal Correlation, Temporal Correlation (updated)
Modeling Temporal Correlation, STTC, Kolmogorov Smirnov test
K-means-Linear Regression-Lasso-Ridge

Prof Maria Papadopouli
Information Capacity and Learning in Neuroscience

Information Capacity and Learning in Neuroscience

Mathematical Aspects of Neuronal Computation

Mathematical Aspects of Neuronal Computation

Prof Ioannis Smirnakis
Neural dynamics and learning in Spiking Neural Networks

Neural dynamics and learning in Spiking Neural Networks

Dr. Angeliki Pantazi (IBM Zurich)
Group meetings - Team Work
Identification and start of the implementation of the project from 1) literature review, or 2) a small data analysis laboratory project on two photon data that will be provided.

Such projects could involve the graph-theoretical analysis and pattern discovery of neuronal circuits in absence epilepsy, under spontaneous conditions, etc

Team work under the supervision of Stelios Smirnakis and Maria Papadopouli
Life in Networks

Presentation URL
Life in Networks

Professor Christos Papadimitriou (Columbia University)
Also, part of the Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Computer Science, University of Crete
Reccurent Quantification Analysis (RQA)

Recurrence Quantification Analysis

Dr. George Tzagkarakis (guest lecture)
Machine Learning

Machine-learning algorithms basics, feature extraction, SVD
Deep learning

Relation of biological networks to computational networks

Artificial Neural Networks - Convolutional Neural Networks - Recurrent Neural Networks

Dr. Greg Tsagkatakis

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Dr Yannis Pantazis (guest lecture)

Machine Learning for Graphs - Kernels and node embeddings
Prof. Michalis Vazirgiannis

1. Large-scale, spatio-temporal patterning in motor cortex and its role in movement initiation

2. Developing brain-machine interfaces in monkeys and humans

Prof Nicholas Hatsopoulos (University of Chicago)
Group meetings - Team Work - Implementation & discussions of the project

Team work under the supervision of Stelios Smirnakis and Maria Papadopouli

Experimental methods for probing circuit function

2 photon imaging; optogenetics etc; patch clamping in vivo, in vitro
Learning in neuronal networks Hebbian plasticity

Prof Stelios Smirnakis
Douglas Martin - Requirements of circuit code
Jiang paper circuit connectivity
Ensembles ala Yuste - future questions/ experimental approaches - bottom up vs top-down - how to best decipher circuit function
Neuroscience vs. Deep Learning

Cortical Circuits

Prof Stelios Smirnakis
Complex Systems

Complex Systems

Advanced Computational Topics

1. Discussion of the fundamental paper on a Mathematical Theory of Communication by Shannon

2. The Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) for identifying the different states of a dynamic complex system.

a. Marwan, N. (2008). "A Historical Review of Recurrence Plots" . European Physical Journal ST. 164 (1): 3–12. arXiv, Bibcode,   DOI

b. Marwan, N., Romano, M. C. ,Thiel, M. ,Kurths, J. (2007). "Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems". Physics Reports. 438 (5–6): 237–329. Bibcode,   DOI

c. Marwan, N., Wessel, N., Meyerfeldt, U., Schirdewan, A., Kurths, J. (2002). "Recurrence Plot Based Measures of Complexity and its Application to Heart Rate Variability Data". Physical Review E. 66 (2): 026702. arXiv,   Bibcode,   DOI

Prof Maria Papadopouli
How brain dynamics are associated with ongoing cognition

Introduction on Brain Networks: Analysis and Modeling

Sepehr MORTAHEB (Invited Lecture on CS588)

Reconvene for project presentation
Workshop 2017


Grading Formula

45% Workshops + MAX(55% Final Exam, 35% Final Exam + 20% In-Class Participation)

Στο report/meeting συμπεριλαμβάνεται όχι μονο η τελική αναφορά, αλλά συνεκτιμάται και η συνέπεια/εργατικότητα στην παράδοση αναφορών και συναντήσεις κατά τη διάρκεια του εξαμήνου.


Suggested Reading

Main textbook:
Networks of the Brain by Olaf Sporns, The MIT Press ISBN 978-0-262-01469-4

Supplementary textbooks:
Νευροεπιστήμη και συμπεριφορά. Eric Kandel, James Schwartz, and Thomas Jessell (Μετάφραση στα ελληνικά, Χάρης Καζλαρής και άλλοι, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης)

Βασικές αρχές λειτουργίας του νευρικού συστήματος. Kiki Sidiropoulou

References - Papers (to be extended)

Spontaneous behaviors drive multidimensional, brainwide activity Carsen Stringer, Marius Pachitariu, Nicholas Steinmetz, Charu Bai Reddy, Matteo Carandini, Kenneth D. Harris

Evolving the Olfactory System Guangyu Robert Yang, Peter Yiliu Wang, Yi Sun, Ashok Litwin-Kumar, Richard Axel, L.F. Abbott

Endogenous Sequential Cortical Activity Evoked by Visual Stimuli Luis Carrillo-Reid, Jae-eun Kang Miller, Jordan P. Hamm, Jesse Jackson, and Rafael Yuste

Imprinting and recalling cortical ensembles Luis Carrillo-Reid, Weijian Yang, Yuki Bando, Darcy S. Peterka, Rafael Yuste

Cellular imaging of visual cortex reveals the spatial and functional organization of spontaneous activity Yeang H. Chng and R. Clay Reid

Spontaneous Events Outline the Realm of Possible Sensory Responses in Neocortical Populations Artur Luczak, Peter Bartho and Kenneth D. Harris

Visual stimuli recruit intrinsically generated cortical ensembles Jae-eun Kang Miller, Inbal Ayzenshtat, Luis Carrillo-Reid, and Rafael Yuste

Internally Mediated Developmental Desynchronization of Neocortical Network Activty. Golshani P., Goncalves J.T. , Khoshkhoo S., Mostany R, Smirnakis S. and Portera-Cailliau C.

Attractor dynamics of network UP states in the neocortex. Cossart R., Aronov D., and Yuste R.

Detecting pairwise correlations in spike trains: an objective comparison of methods and application to the study of retinal waves. Cutts, C.S. and S.J. Eglen. J Neurosci, 2014. 34(43): p. 14288-303.

Anatomy and function of an excitatory network in the visual cortex. R. Clay Reed. Nature 532: 370-374 (2016).

Functional organization of excitatory synaptic strength in primary visualcortex. Cossell, L., et al. Nature 518.7539 (2015): 399.

Nature. 2015 May 28;521(7553):436-44. doi: 10.1038/nature14539

A functional microcircuit for cat visual cortex. Douglas RJ, Martin KA. J Physiol. 1991;440:735-69.

Opening the grey box. Douglas RJ, Martin KA.Trends Neurosci. 1991 Jul;14(7):286-93. Review.PMID: 1719675

Mapping the matrix: the ways of neocortex. Douglas RJ, Martin KA.Neuron. 2007 Oct 25;56(2):226-38. Review. PMID: 17964242

Topology and dynamics of the canonical circuit of cat V1. Binzegger T, Douglas RJ, Martin KA. Neural Netw. 2009

Class-specific features of neuronal wiring. Stepanyants A, Tamas G, Chklovskii DB.Neuron. 2004 Jul 22;43(2):251-9.PMID: 15260960

Principles of Connectivity among Morphologically Defined Cell Types in Adult Neocortex. Science. Jiang X, Shen S, Cadwell CR, Berens P, Sinz F, Ecker AS, Patel S & Tolias AS (2015). Vol. 350 no. 6264 DOI: 10.1126 Link

Small World/Scale free:

Small-world Propensity and Weighted Brain Networks. Muldoon S., Bridgeford E.W., Bassett D.S.

Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks. Watts D. J., Strogatz S. H.

Network 'Small-World-Ness': A Quantitative Method for Determining Canonical Network Equivalence. Humphries M.D., Gurney K.

Scale-free characteristics of random networks: the topology of the world-wide web. Barabasi A., Albert R., Jeong H.

Networks Science, The Scale-free Property (section 4), Ablert-Laszlo Barabasi

Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks. Watts DJ, Strogatz SH. Nature 1998;393(6684):440-2.

Deep Learning:

Deep learning. LeCun Y1, Bengio Y2, Hinton G3.

Toward an Integration of Deep Learning and Neuroscience. Adam H. Marblestone1, Greg Wayne and Konrad P. Kording

Methods of Deconvolution:

[Note: Historically Friedrich came first, then Vogelstein. Essentially simultaneously with Sang, Pnevmatikakis proposed another method which is now the most currently used method, and which Anna Palagina employed for the datasets of the projects.]

Reconstruction of firing rate changes across neuronal populations by temporally deconvolved Ca2+ imaging. Yaksi E., Friedrich R.W.

Fast Nonnegative Deconvolution for Spike Train Inference From Population Calcium Imaging. Vogelstein J.T., Packer A.M., Machado T.A., et al.

Visually Driven Neuropil Activity and Information Encoding in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex. Sangkyun L., Meyer J., Park J., Smirnakis S.M.

Simultaneous Denoising, Deconvolution, and Demixing of Calcium Imaging Data. Pnevmatikakis E.A., Soudry D., Gao Y., et al.

Preparation for the final Exam:

Neuroscience Basics:
Neuroscience Basics - Questions.

Datasets, Videos and Other Resources

BrainMap database of published functional and structural neuroimaging experiments with coordinate-based results (x,y,z) in Talairach or MNI space. The goal of BrainMap is to develop software and tools to share neuroimaging results and enable meta-analysis of studies of human brain function and structure in healthy and diseased subjects.

Allen Brain Map
Accelerating progress toward understanding the brain.

Human Brain Project
The Human Brain Project aims to put in place a cutting-edge research infrastructure that will allow scientific and industrial researchers to advance our knowledge in the fields of neuroscience, computing, and brain-related medicine.

Brain Drop
A Mixed-Signal Neuromorphic Architecture With a Dynamical Systems-Based Programming Model.

Tentative Assignments

Week Short description
1-10 Reading papers/textbook
3 Graph theoretical metrics, simple statistics (CDFs, histograms)
4 Reading papers
5 Null hypothesis, temporal correlation
6 Project
6-9 Group meetings - milestones
10 Presentations

Analysis and modeling of the functional networks using data collected from the V1 L2/L3
1. Graph-theoretical analysis
1.1. Estimation of the degree of connectivity, discovering small-worlds

2. Estimation of the temporal correlation of the activation patterns of neurons using STTC


Identification and start of the implementation of the project from 1) literature review, or 2) a small data analysis laboratory project on two photon data that will be provided. The project could involve the graph-theoretical analysis and pattern discovery of neuronal circuits in absence epilepsy, under spontaneous conditions, etc

Team work under the supervision of Stelios Smirnakis & Maria Papadopouli

Marking scheme

Midterm N/A
Final exam
Project Customized to each team

Other Sources:
A journey through the Visual System
Exploring the Visual Brain
From Single Cells to Whole Brains: Gene Expression, Cell Types, and the Brain:

Funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology and Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation for the support of postdoctoral researchers 2018-2021 on "Dissecting Multi-Neuronal Modules of Computation in the Neocortex and the Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program 2017 (Fellow: Prof Stelios Smirnakis, Host: Maria Papadopouli).