Andre Holzapfel
Multimedia Informatics Lab
Ph.D. Student
Phone: (0030) 2810 393596
Email: hannover at csd dot uoc dot gr
Andre Holzapfel is a Ph.D. student in the Multimedia Informatics Lab at University of Crete. His research interest is Music Information Retrieval. The subject of his thesis is the development of methods for analysis and information retrieval of traditional forms of music. The goal is to detect automatically morphological similarities between different pieces, a description of the musicological problem under consideration along with a proposed method is provided here (bibtex). The thesis is supervised by Yannis Stylianou. His work is funded by the Institute of Computer Science.
A. Holzapfel; Y. Stylianou, "A STATISTICAL APPROACH TO MUSICAL GENRE CLASSIFICATION USING NON-NEGATIVE MATRIX FACTORIZATION", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Paper , bibtexT. Dutoit; A. Holzapfel; M. Jottrand; A. Moinet; J. Perez; Y. Stylianou, "TOWARDS A VOICE CONVERSION SYSTEM BASED ON FRAME SELECTION", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Paper , bibtex
A. Holzapfel; Y. Stylianou, "SINGER IDENTIFICATION IN REMBETIKO MUSIC",Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), Paper , Dataset , bibtex
A. Holzapfel; Y. Stylianou, "RHYTHMIC SIMILARITY OF MUSIC BASED ON DYNAMIC PERIODICITY WARPING", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Paper , Dataset , bibtexAccepted:
A. Holzapfel; Y. Stylianou, "MUSICAL GENRE CLASSIFICATION USING NON-NEGATIVE MATRIX FACTORIZATION BASED FEATURES", Special Issue of IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Procesing on Music Information retrieval, Abstract , bibtexSubmitted:
N. d'Alessandro; O. Babacan; B. Bozkurt; T. Dubuisson; A. Holzapfel; L. Kessous; A. Moinet; M. Vlieghe; T. Dutoit, "RAMCESS 2.x FRAMEWORK - EXPRESIVE VOICE ANALYSIS FOR REALTIME AND ACCURATE SYNTHESIS OF SINGING", Journal on Multimodal User InterfacesA. Holzapfel; Y. Stylianou, "BEAT TRACKING USING GROUP DELAY BASED ONSET DETECTION", ISMIR 2008, Abstract