CS527 Parallel Computer Architecture

Department of Computer Science

University of Crete


Course Type: 

Link to online course catalogue.


Angelos Bilas


Course Info                                 Syllabus                     Assignments







·       First class on Mon 30 September 2024, 10:00-12:00

·       Physical attendance: H.206


Course Information



This course discusses the design, implementation, and evaluation of parallel computer architectures. Topics include: Shared address space and message passing programming paradigms, interactions between parallel programs and the underlying architecture, design and implementation of small and large-scale shared memory and message passing multiprocessors, issues in network interface design and scalable interconnection networks, clusters of workstations, performance evaluation.





Office Hours

Angelos Bilas


b i l a s @ c s d . u o c . g r

After class or by appointment


Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Backup Lecture

Mon 10:00-12:00, H.206 

Wed 10:00-12:00, H.206

Fri 10:00-12:00, H.206

Reading Material

·       Items and research publications, as listed in each lecture in the syllabus.

·       Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/Software Approach. David Culler and J.P. Singh, with Anoop Gupta, Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Co., Menlo Park, CA, 1998. [online book draft]

·       Optional reading: (book) Shared-Memory Synchronization. Michael L. Scott. 2013. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. https://doi.org/10.2200/S00499ED1V01Y201304CAC023 [online pdf for preliminary draft]

·       Optional reading: (book) A Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence. Daniel J. Sorin, Mark D. Hill, and David A. Wood.   1st Edition. Morgan & Claypool Publishers ©2011. ISBN:1608455645 9781608455645. [online pdf for preliminary draft]


Mark Distribution (Tentative)

The course for the mark will be computed from the assignments, class participation, and a final project.

·       Class participation: 15%

·       Assignments: 55% = 25% + 15% + 15%

·       Project: 30%


(c) Copyright University of Crete, Greece, Last Modified: 22-Sep-2023