Course Details


Noni Rizopoulou
Email: nrizop (at)
Office: E206
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10-11 a.m.

[Mailing list]

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Day Hour Room
Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00 H204
Thursday 10:00 - 12:00

[Course Goals]

Participants in this seminar course are asked to perform a number of tasks towards crafting a significant postgraduate research proposal. Students have the opportunity to develop several transferable skills that can be applied in both academia and industry. The gains of this self-discovery and self-invention path may serve students not only in putting them on the map of research communities but also by helping them become more confident and conscious scientists/citizens of the world.


[Attendance Policy]

Maximum Absences:
Students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions. Each student is allowed a maximum of three (3) absences per semester without penalty. These absences can be used for any reason, including illness, personal emergencies, or other legitimate circumstances.

Late Entry Policy:
To maintain a focused and respectful learning environment, students are not allowed to enter the classroom if they arrive after half-past the scheduled start time of the class session. Students arriving after this time will either be marked as late or will not be admitted to the class. Late arrivals disrupt the flow of instruction and can be distracting to fellow students.