Computer Science Department,
University of Crete
Computer Networks (Spring 2025)
info |
syllabus and schedule
Course Staff
Name |
Email |
Office Hours |
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Xenofontas Dimitropoulos, INSPIRE Group |
By appt./TBA |
Teaching Assistant: Katerina Lionta
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Teaching Assistant: Christina Papachristoudi
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Teaching Assistant: George Goupos
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Teaching Assistant: George Tsiknakis
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Teaching Assistant: Michael Karagiannakis
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Teaching Assistant: Pavlos Grigoriadis
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Teaching Assistant: Manos Lakiotakis (Coordinator)
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Guest Lecturers
30.01.2025: The hy335b-list will be replaced by courses's Moodle forum. Please subscribe to the Moodle domain to have access to the course's material and DO NOT subscribe hy335b-list.
General Information
The course meets on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:00-12:00 in A.113 Classroom.
Course Description
The course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts
in the design and implementation of computer communication networks,
their protocols, and applications. Topics to be covered include:
overview of network architectures, applications, network
programming interfaces (e.g., sockets), transport, congestion,
routing, and data link protocols, addressing, local area networks,
wireless networks, network security, and network management.
Examples will be drawn primarily from the Internet (e.g., TCP,
UDP, and IP) protocol suite.
- Classroom quizzes (Optional)
- 1 Project
Lecture playlist
Click here for HY335B Lectures playlist
Moodle Link
Click here for hy335b Moodle domain
The final grade is calculated as follows:
- 40% Project
- 60% Theory: 2 midterm exams (30% each one) INSTEAD OF FINAL EXAM. Students should have average grade for the 2 midterms equal or higher to 4 (>=4) in order to pass the course.
Students will be orally tested on the programming assignment.
Course policies:
- Late assignments will incur a 25% penalty for each day late.
- Plagiarism or other forms of cheating will not be tolerated.
The course will follow the textbook below.
Note: the lecture slides for this class are based on slides provided by the authors of the Kurose/Ross book.
Syllabus and Schedule
Additional material
The slides and other useful material based of the 6th edition of the book can be found here