Course Details
Instructor | Rizopoulou Noni, nrizop (at)
office E206 |
Office Hours | Monday and Wednesday 10-11 a.m. |
Mailing List | hy108-list (at)
(send an email with content "subscribe hy108-list" to majordomo (at) It is important to subscribe to the list to get notified of all important notices. |
TA | Drakakis Rafail, csd5310 (at)
Xiradakis Giannis, csd4969 (at) |
Day | Hour | Room |
Tuesday | 16:00 - 18:00 | H204 |
Thursday | 12:00 - 14:00 |
Course Description
English I is focused on Academic English for Computer Science. It aims to provide freshers with a tool for achieving literacy in the computer science discourse. It may be used as a foundation course in computer science, computer engineering, and information technology undergraduate programs.
Learning Outcomes
The material of the specific course draws content from core areas of computer science, allowing students to:
- Read and process a wide variety of texts from diverse computer science genres.
- Acquire a solid base in domain-specific terminology.
- Practice multiple note-taking methods.
- Exercise critical thinking and arguing on various controversial issues.
- Appreciate the contribution of peers in computer science and other scientific fields.
- Communicate in the most honest, accurate, effective, as well as respectful way.
- Become conscious of their own research identity and purposefully select their academic practitioner footprint.
Final Exam 100% (lower bound: 4)
20% Attendance Bonus
10% (Optional) Mini-Mock Test
"Academic English for Computer Science" (2nd Edition), Noni Rizopoulou, Κωδικός Ευδόξου: 112694457